INDIAN RESEARCH – Should be researched upon!

DailyPost 122 INDIAN RESEARCH –  Should be researched upon!  The direction, quantum, contribution and impact of Indian research remains in the realm of imagination . There is a crying need to rectify the situation. The starting point is always empirical data. The creation of a  detailed database  of research conducted out of public money in […]

INDIAN RESEARCH – Should be researched upon! Read More »


DailyPost 121 MINDSET    When you are not able to react to day to day vagaries of an individual’s existence in an objective manner, for sure, you are afflicted with a mindset issue.  General response to a mindset issue is not to accept, thus the issue persists and with it brings immense misery to the individual,

MINDSET Read More »

THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION – We are in it before we realised!

DailyPost 120 THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION – We are in it before we realised!    ‘Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution’  was the theme of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2016. With a year passing by and 2016 just concluded, the feeling across the globe is that the  forces of fourth industrial revolution  have  gained

THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION – We are in it before we realised! Read More »

DEMOCRACIES – ln search of an agenda!

DailyPost 119 DEMOCRACIES – ln search of an agenda! The onset of  democratic governments  at the culmination of democratic movements of different types and scale in different nations, marks the beginning of a governance mechanism, which is self sustaining and correctional.  It’s evolution was its authentication.  It had  an universal agenda  or so we presumed,

DEMOCRACIES – ln search of an agenda! Read More »

BONDING – An unfailing approach.

DailyPost 118 BONDING – An unfailing approach.   Professionalism, so to say, in official relationships, has taken the conscience out of it.  Most iconic companies can boast of the bonding their founders had, from the original garage company HP to the likes of Google today. Bonding amongst the top management, both as a group or interpersonal,

BONDING – An unfailing approach. Read More »

NON EXPERT PUBLIC SPEAKERS – The challenge is within.

DailyPost 117 NON EXPERT PUBLIC SPEAKERS – the challenge is within.   An expert is a professional.  For his pre-eminence in his field he is invited to speak in professional and public forums.  His job is neatly cut out and he performs his public speaking assignment professionally and effectively.  The back end knowledge and expertise remains

NON EXPERT PUBLIC SPEAKERS – The challenge is within. Read More »


DailyPost 114 PURPOSE  Taking a cue from the ailing process, what becomes so conspicuous is the lack of purpose . Purpose can both provide the larger background for the goal and also the path to reach the desired goal.  Without purpose there is no  fulfilment, which we all agree is what our life is all

PURPOSE Read More »

EDITING – An art, a competency, a vision or a tool.

DailyPost 112 EDITING – An art, a competency, a vision or a tool.  There is nothing unedited in life.  Editing is the capability to cut and stitch a dress of your choice, out of the raw textile being provided to you.  The impact of an editor, we experience daily, without even realizing of it.  In

EDITING – An art, a competency, a vision or a tool. Read More »

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