DailyPost 121


 When you are not able to react to day to day vagaries of an individual’s existence in an objective manner, for sure, you are afflicted with a mindset issue.  General response to a mindset issue is not to accept, thus the issue persists and with it brings immense misery to the individual, family, society and nations. History is replete with such examples and individuals afflicted generally remain uncured, as they don’t realise the issue & don’t  ask for any help.

 The story gets further confounded when we presume others mindset and act accordingly.  The reality might be completely contrary.  Decisions  are taken on  presumptions  based on a mindset, the results go haywire, but the  individual  and the  ecosystem  that generates that mindset  does not change.

One of the most conspicuous examples is, that getting a job marks your real arrival in life. It is the culmination of your brilliant academic career. Rest will happen, so to say, automatically in life. It’s more true for the government jobs.  Life has reached the watershed of education and learning and it needs to be immediately stopped . And the worst is that no learning is required henceforth,  in a world which is experiencing disruptive technologies, exponential change and is  pregnant with ideas as never before.

The private sector generally and recently benefitted sector in particular have become  so convinced of their superiority and professionalism that they are left with none.  Putting the blame on all others in the ecosystem is also a mindset issue. That the  customer  is another cog in the wheel of the corporate machine rather than somebody to be  catered to  and the very basis for the existence of business and can be  cajoled & manipulated  is also a mindset issue.

 The fake flat 40%, 50% off billboards outside shops proclaim a mindset that the customer is gullible and cannot react. We can pull him in and do the needful.


Sanjay Sahay

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