DailyPost 654


The user is got into the trap with impunity with the agree / accept button at the end of terms & conditions of a legal contract. A legal contract which no user is consciously aware. It does not end there as well, the data is used in a mafia type operation way beyond even the most imaginary terms and conditions are supposedly consented upon by that one great click. GDPR is expected to bring a sea change in this sordid data saga. Before the GDPR delivering its first indictment, the UK data watchdog; the Information Commisioner’s Office has taken the first scalp and it promises that it is just the beginning.

Facebook is forced to stare at the first fine for allowing Cambridge Analytica to improperly access data of millions. This might turn out to be the game changer opening the flood gates for govts around the world for tougher penalties & stricter regulation against the social media giant. Zuckerberg’s depositions before the US Congressional Committee &!European Union authorities sounded hollow. Taking the right course, on Tuesday UK watchdog announced $664,000 the maximum allowed preliminary fine. It found Facebook lacking strong privacy protections.

The Agency found Facebook to be completely disregarding the critical warning signs. This paved way for Cambridge Analytica to go ahead with its exercise to manipulate public opinion on behalf of its clients around the world, including Britain’s Brexit referendum in 2016. The ICO has not revealed the findings; heightened public interest is said to be the rationale. It promised another update in October, 2018. It will impact ongoing investigations in other parts of Europe & in US, where the Federal Trade Commission probe can now lead to hefty penalty of hundreds of billions of dollar.

The incisive investigation adopted a wide lens not limiting to Facebook, but the data manipulation ecosystem – totaling 172 organisations & 285 individuals, manipulating data for political purposes.


Sanjay Sahay

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