DailyPost 2583
People in the government and outside have been hearing of eGovernance for decades together. The transformation of governance from the physical to the digital mode can be broadly termed as eGovernance. Not denying the giant strides made through this mode to bring down the government drudgery and nature and depth of the quality of service being provided to the people, there are clear cut gaps which should have been sorted out a long time back. The desired digital seamlessness still seems to be a long way off. Whether that is the final state we desired or not remains unknown.
Whether the type of technology needed to deliver governance should be mentioned or not in the name itself or not, we leave this matter for debate for some other time. What is the operational span of eGovernance? Does it mean that the services / utilities not covered under this banner would not be digital in nature or they would be onboarded on the digital mode after the current e component is over. It can also mean as the maturity of the digital technologies happen, it would automatically lead to its horizontal extension. Having gone through this experience, the prefix of technology to governance, is automatically understood by all stakeholders.
The use of Artificial Intelligence,AI, in governance is at best in a very nascent stage. Most of the sectors remain totally unimpacted and there seems to be no great efforts being made in that direction. It is a rudderless AI game which the governments have been playing, unknowingly and unfortunately. Given the historical background and digital governance culture created and practiced so far, it would be in the fitness of things that we start with blueprint of artificial intelligence enabled governance. The ideal name following our naming mechanism adopted and practiced so far would logically be AIGovernance.*
This would make the intent of the government crystal clear that they intend to move to the next level of digital governance. It would also mean planning for the creation of tech infra required for purpose. The tech human next would be next to fall in line. Without the human resources imperatives met, no head can be made. Having gone through the eGovernance exercise for a long time, this shift can be planned in a much more professional manner, in less time and much more effectively than earlier stages. The initial services to be onboarded have to be decided with a professional application of mind; both from the impact and tech convenience angle. This should be made to happen on the AIGovernance platform sooner than later. Taken as a proof of concept, this would show the way for a full-fledged AIGovernance transformation.
Sanjay Sahay
Have a nice evening.