Post is our life and clinging on to it is our destiny. Nobody wants to retire. There is no purpose in life but to grab a post and make the best out of it. We have lost faith in our expertise and our acumen, the capability to stand on our own feet, when the post rug is pulled from under our feet is a reality, we are never able to regain balance. We keep on talking of the same stories for rest of our lives. We are not ashamed in getting into positions, for which we don’t have the relevant expertise. Post mania has hit the nation for decades now, to the detriment of everything and sanity of human existence.
Professional existence is under serious threat, if you don’t have a post of relevance in the public and ecosystem’s eye you are no one. You can keep talking about even your demonstrated professional expertise, that would be of no avail. Is it a part of feudal or colonial legacy or the desire to arrive in life, with no great effort to be made after that, is very difficult to say. Once you have supposedly arrived in life, through an election or a competitive exam or through any other means, the only task you are left with, is to make it secure, and getting bigger, better and higher one.
Work is bound to happen is presumption. That is reason why those is good posts, playing around with power and influence of that position never find anything wrong in the system. They also find themselves to be exceptionally delivering, what is expected out of them. Finally, what is being churned out is for the world to see. Manipulating be in positions of the nature is not an easy job. So that becomes the job. A Commissioner of Police in a metro found it difficult to digest that he was transferred and made let loose hell all around and finally he was also engulfed. Once you adorn such post for a few times, in literally every arena of governance, a sense of entitlement creeps in. You get afflicted by post driven myopia.
Post is what one has live and die for. It can never be earned is a truism. Battle it out through your life and then try to keep extending your retirement, as much as you can. Post retirement can be another story, but it is worth the battle. Battle has to be won for constitutional posts as well. Loyalty is said to be the glue. The formation of governments is an open loot of ministerial positions, which has now become our democratic tradition. No one ever dare to connect a political executive’s post to any expertise or competency. Post and commensurate stature they know better than anyone else. Comfort and influence comes automatically. The battle for posts practitioners know how to manage it all, once they acquire the post. It all comes under the umbrella term of perks of the Big Man. The collegium can be debated and criticized ad nauseum, but still there are posts waiting at the other side of the tunnel. The battle is on till the time you can pull it off. There is no retirement; no age, no health, or any bar whatsoever. You should know the art of keeping yourself in circulation.
Sanjay Sahay