DailyPost 642
We meet people from morning to evening in different professional and personal capacities & settings, each one promising, assuring or ensuring to deliver. An intent to deliver is at the core of human existence. A mental and attitudinal attribute which both precedes all contracts, agreements & promises and facilitates them operationalise fully & successfully. A Plan B itself can he a intention of negative intent.
Failing to deliver is completely different from not intending to deliver. Failure is because of unforseen circumstances and not because of lack of intention. On the other side are individuals &companies with known incapability / incapacity to deliver promising to deliver. This can be treated only as a flight of fancy or an attempt at deceit, whichever way you look at it. An intent to deliver has to fully supported by the backend systems to deliver.
A tender document is viewed from many angles. First, getting enthused with the nature of challenge & satisfaction it provides. It would also generate a resource mapping & execution plan. Second, is what it would mean to the company in it’s business growth trajectory. These are not the approaches generally taken.
The third one is fascinating; study and analyse the penal provisions. It it worth taking a chance. The fourth is the payment mechanism; will you be able to get most of the payment without completing the functional last mile, without making the final operational effort, is it worth taking a chance. Fifthly, whether it allows for full breathing space in the SLAs. How much can be evaded without getting legally caught in the SLAs.
Whether the intention is fullproof delivery for whatever it takes / for whatever come may or to make a killing with least effort, safeguarding oneself from all angles. This seems to be becoming the norm.
Sanjay Sahay