DailyPost 944
Connecting the dots was immortalised by Steve Jobs, it meant connecting your experiences, skills etc in a retrospectively so as to make sense out it in a positive manner and making a value add to your life, can be professional or personal or both. The connects are life. Undeniably, he proved in more ways than one, the knowledge of calligraphy gave us the number of fonts that adorns every single keyboard in the world. What is beyond connecting the dots- do you connect to that environment, the context, to the same people, make better sense at a later stage or the earlier connect helps you seamlessly merge with people whenever you meet.
Beyond the dots of skills, knowledge and experience, the capability to respond to the environment becomes the game changer. Connecting the dots is individual in nature, capability to respond the the environment in social, collective in nature. Your growth becomes organic , you slowly respond to the environment based on all the early connects. You are able to cull out the right interactions, the facts and the right skills – which makes sense to that context from your repository and then the connect happens. You will thus make the best of that professional, personal and social engagement.
This is ideal for a man who traverses many worlds while living in this one world. This ability helps him to make sense to all the worlds he lives in. And he connects these to one single big world for himself, where his cumulative presence is pathbreaking. The individual connects remain worthwhile to one particular area, while performing a similar nature of tasks, however pathbreaking it might be. Does different environments give you a feeling that you are seamlessly connected or you feel out of place in lots of contexts?
The crux of meaningful life is to live way beyond connecting the dots, connecting to every single individual / group / community you meet in a meaningful way based on the connects you may have had with his environment, similar environments, his peers, with him and his experiences. Getting is out of your RAM instantaneously is the key and sustaining it over time and space is the magic that makes you an eternally relevant deliverable and you carry a meaningful aura and charisma.
Sanjay Sahay