DailyPost 2711
Though tech has been adopted domain after domain, yet there are innumerable incongruities, wherever you look around, in any field whatsoever. Every organization has day to day tech battles to grapple with. The tech crevices, as you may call it, comes in way of the full utilization of the tech potential in the nature of activities, which should have become seamless by now, but is still quite a way off. From the software creation to every field of tech mainly IT, tech dictates the show and with it the technologist, who is more interested in streamlining you as per the product features not vice versa.
The blatant tech discrepancies in any business enterprise from the functional and business issues point of view is one issue, the other is the huge cost involved. The capital cost that does not deliver as desired. The IT company gets its ROI but what about the client organisations. The issue outlined is termed as domain tech convergence. The wider the gap the less profitable an organization. Harnessing technology to its fullest is the name of the game. At the present tech crossroads, it seems that the onset of AI is likely to make domain tech convergence possible to a considerable degree. The disappearance of coding or considerable doing away with it, can be a good beginning.
The software requirement specification process and translating it into a code, even with best of efforts always had innumerable challenges, more so in enterprises handling complex issues and processes. And also, if a far-reaching product was to be made. It is for this reason large number of IT products don’t make the market cut. The timelines in general of product development used to go awry in trying to achieve domain tech convergence. Mostly it remained unmet till the levels required. Even with best of the processes in place, with different software development lifecycles aiming for precision, the end result in its first cut was far from satisfying. If our natural language becomes the language of coding, the biggest barrier is likely to be brought down.
With machine generated codes, the iterations could become endless and so would be testing. Mostly a new system of IT product development would come to the fore, where domain would be provided a primordial position and rest would fall in place, as they proverbially say. The effort has to be made in this direction and customer should demand for it and with the present-day AI tools, the vendor will be forced to deliver. That would be the new norm. With seamless interoperability between documents and the capability to find insights and intelligence in no time, the inputs for software / product development would be on a very strong footing, providing very little chance for the nature of discrepancies we create, nurture and sustain today in organization after organization. The future of software / IT product development would be driven by domain.
Sanjay Sahay
Have a nice evening.