DailyPost 933
Any developing nation’s aspiration is of becoming the next emerging nation, join the bandwagon of the developed and then stake claims to be a super power. Whether it is Japan of the yesteryear’s or Singapore or South Korea of today or the unfolding digital story of Estonia, it the emerging technologies which have been the vehicle of change. In the days of cutting age manufacturing Japan and Co. have shown their worth and with the onset of digital technology, it has become a value add to the strengthened technical and technological infrastructure.
The only difference today is that there are a host of technologies but the leading sector theory is as applicable today as during Japan’s economic rise. This is also the golden opportunity to both abridge the time required for development and also cross over a few stages. Though it provides immense opportunities, the task remains humungous and not many countries will make the cut. The earlier successful countries and/or the ones who took the initial lead in digital technology are surging ahead. The gestation period remains where it is, is not because of the pace of technology but our capability to ideate, plan and necessarily go through the iterative process of making the product and solution robust.
Even for a country of the population of just 1.3 million, Estonia, it has taken around 20 years to reach, where it has – the brand ambassador of the eGovernance, digital society and economy and a world leader in Cyber Security and a user of Blockchain technology& it’s research. The way it has provided the ecosystem for the creation of Unicorns is really commendable. These are the vehicles of emerging nations. Few unicorns and the economic landscape transforms, may it South Korea or the old tested and tried the Silicon Valley.
From Blockchain to 5G to 3D Printing to Cloud to Machine Learning to AI, the world is sitting on the host of emerging technologies; a host of countries would emerge, making their presence felt in the world as no one would have ever imagined. Two-third of the companies which would rule the world in 2024 have either not been born or are too small to be recognised as promising business entertprises. The countries which host large number of these companies would be the emerging nations.
Sanjay Sahay