DailyPost 2144
The political ecosystem created over the years, which can accept anything and everything and an overall democratic mindset to digest, literally weirdest of the democratic moves is the biggest magic of Indian democracy. Large number of these democratic escapades to government formation can crush any democratic spirit to smithereens. The swearing in of cabinet after 40 days of CM, DyCM combine functioning as the government just provides a dimension of democracy which the founding fathers wouldn’t have imagined in their dreams. As it seems, the job of the voter is to cast his vote and their ends his connect to democracy.
What he gets in return, few and far between is a severance allowance to keep away, in terms of crude educational and health infrastructure, at times that too missing and freebies, for which you should eternally be grateful. Once the voter story is over, the typical Indian Political Power Play starts. More often than not the puppeteers are somewhere else. Even when one party is in power, the CMs change as if they came on some adhoc appointment, which can be revoked at any point in time, for a more politically strategic candidate in the changed scenario. It would be even difficult to remember when last time did a legislature party really elect its leader, party notwithstanding.
Sometimes the whole cabinet is shown the door. Bringing in new faces to get of the responsibility / accountability imbroglio. Clean slate strategy is a well-known strategy, which sells on your selling skills. India is a political laboratory of making everything look technically democratic. We had a case of a lady becoming a CM for keeping the power in the family. This is democratic trust. The interplay of criminal cases have always cast its shadow on the direction Indian politics from the national to the local level. Government formation and top-notch criminal cases have taken valuable time of the higher courts many a times.
While the constitutional fate of a breakaway group / party / government remains hanging in a balance, they are running the government of a very important state. The largest political party has already been made a misnomer. Any size of the party can have CM. Political equations change for considerations unconnected to the verdict of the people. Now we have a leader who would be become a CM for the eighth time. The same person resigns and then is back again in a few hours to stake claim for a new government. The fate of the state is unimaginable. The concerned ex.CM and also the future CM would be a wonder man to have gained the confidence of every MLA as some point or another. His party has never got majority on its own. This is the fate of Indian democracy. *Have they left anything for the people to celebrate?
Sanjay Sahay