DailyPost 563
Though we wouldn’t have thought of the concept of Knowledge by Default, most of us gain confidence by this very mindset. Our default positioning in life, we extrapolate to the knowledge arena as well and we flaunt of it, though we may gain little out of it and at times none. Knowledge by Default idea gets perpetuated by our conviction that age, experience & maturity happen in a coterminous manner but our life is full of knowledge gaps, unable to be bridged, leading to adverse results.
The years at a job, the certifications, the mechanical experience are all ideal examples. The years are just 1 x that many years, as there is no knowledge value add. The outmoded knowledge garnered during our academic years or initial years of our career, is flaunted by us to the utter dismay of the people around us. Over a period of time, these guys urge for knowledge gets numbed & finally they too wedded to the Knowledge by Default concept. It is a worrisome thought, that the whole society is moving in that direction.
Knowledge & expertise does grow in an organic manner. We have to make it grow. The purpose & relevance play key roles. Herein, comes the concept knowledge of design. Knowledge is a design element of life & has to be tackled that way. Knowledge by design is this juxtaposed against knowledge by default. In this knowledge based world, it would be knowledge by design that would prevail, at all levels; individual, community, enterprise & the nation. It has to become an organisational & societal culture. The design correlates to a strategy to acquire knowledge both for present & future.
As with anything else in the exponential age, the knowledge & skills component of a human being has to operate at the dynamic& real time, success dependent on it. While being dynamic & real time, a welcome approach to interfaces of new knowledge, which also needs to be acquired to make it comprehensive, full proof & robust, capable enough to deliver.
Sanjay Sahay