DailyPost 760


In world full of exabytes of data, how many of us reach the Knowledge Critical Mass. Do vast majority of struggle with the data / information all around us or are they able to make the best use of it. Has the learning curve vastly changed in the Information Age. Steve Jobs said when you find your passion to feel it, you get to know you have found it. In the very same manner, if you have reached the Knowledge Critical Mass, you can feel, experience it & use it with ease.

Critical Mass means the minimum size or amount of resources required to start or maintain a venture. To sustain today in any professional field or in public life or as a normal well educated person / citizen, one needs to have the Knowledge Critical Mass in general and of the field in particular, just to stay meaningfully afloat. Staying afloat means not being detrimental and at times be able make positive incremental changes wherever you are positioned.

It basically means liberation, breaking daily shackles of pushing oneself to reach the lowest benchmark. Cut, copy, paste, beg, borrow, steal to manage lack of knowledge in the professional arena. Meeting the traditional requirements does not suffice any more. Both knowledge & it’s documentation are bursting at it’s seams. Added to that interdisciplinary exitence & technology becoming the common denominator. Being conversant in relevant technology is the engine oil, otherwise nothing moves. In such complex circumstances, it’s not easy to decipher & discover what is the Knowledge Critical Mass for you.

It’s like moving from temple to another & not finding God at the end. From paid consultants to free Google, we are desperate to bridge this gap. Unfortunately, it keeps getting widened. As has been proven all throughout history, there are no easy solutions to garnering knowledge. Reading can be the beginning, experience, gaining expertise; being hands on, visiting / understanding operations, interaction with experts, the ongoing quest to reach Knowledge Critical Mass will take you there. It’s worth the humungous effort, professional delivery becomes smooth & scalability natural and courage to take on challenges automatically happens.


Sanjay Sahay

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