DailyPost 2585
In Dussehra we celebrate the good over evil, light over darkness, and truth over falsehood. The day is abounded with the messages telling each other of the common culture we have ingrained and what binds us together – of good over evil. This should have been our running thread of thoughts, acts and existence. Not that it is possible in totality, yet it could have been a mirage, we could have always tried to achieve and in the process, we could have remained on the right track for most part of our existence. It could have bridged the duality in which we live.
The duality at times on the fringes of hypocrisy is what we live and practice on a day-to-day basis. Have we ever tried to make good over evil the core message and learning of our society? One is the level of thought – in our educational system and in the primary socialization in our homes. It would ensure that once you move out of your homes you have a strong DNA which would force you to think on those lines. As one moves to the schools, what we studied in moral science, could be recrafted on these lines, to align with what one has picked up at home.
Taught in objective and empirical style and its utility proven by any number of use cases and intertwining with the basic purpose of life, whatever may be your vocation, it would become both understandable and assimilation would become as natural as our thinking. This would help warding off the general practice of mostly evil over good in personal, private and public life. It is being practiced in day-to-day life and being taught in the language of practicality, which starts making immense sense to the person who learns. Today he is even brainwashed to the extent that there is no other alternative but to fall in line with evil.
What you do and what you talk about needs to be neatly segregated to a level where you finally give up the idea of something being good or evil, and practice evil as a norm, vigorously and vociferously. This is where our society, economy and polity stand today, unfortunately. Given this background, moving further from the educational system, once in the job, there is a need for the professional training to keep imparting the same theory and practice to the new employee as business and professional ethics. The one he was taught at home and school, albeit in a professional scenario. Besides the ethical side, it should also be proven through use cases how it helps in business and professional success. The goal is organic growth with ethics; personal, professional and business is the way to work out your future; a developed nation and a developed society – rock solid and sustainable.
Sanjay Sahay
Wish you a very happy Dussehra.