Daily Post 1302


The onset, magnitude and the intensity of this pandemic we have not been able to fathom out. Country after country have been groping in the dark and very few have been able to do a reasonable job. Planning pre-pandemic days in most areas have been in the stylish and fanciful going back to the drawing board. Time, energy, mood, food, funds et al were all available for the purpose. The worst we had seen was the Recession of 2008 which meant different things for different geographies.

Our dealing of the pandemic situation has thrown open the chinks in our armour. WHO the world’s health brain and strategy machine does not know what has hit it. It would take a longer time for WHO than we to recover from Corona. Every single act of our decades long planning the world over is showing cracks, which we would have otherwise never accepted. The simple link between the one company’s testing kit and its medical equipment supporting it. Manufacturing and disbursement of the protective gear to the health care personnel would have never be thought as a problem. Notwithstanding all this we still have immense faith on our planning skills based on our imagination of the future.

Online education of the present variety does not give any inkling of the way education would open up in the days to come. Whether we will be able to finish lots of our pending exams for this year is a big question. If so when and now? Will the finish infusion of funds in public health infrastructure happen? Who will do the planning and can it be executed in the correct timeline and of right quality? Manufacturing, trade, IT, all sectors being at a complete loss have starting talking about the post Covid 19 world. They have to.

Their simple visualisation is not going to help. It is planning of a different kind, not ever happened earlier. TEMPLATES CAN’T PLAN and TURNOVERS CAN’T EXECUTE PROJECTS IN POST COVID-19 WORLD. While understating the complexities of operations in an evolving manner, it needs a cutting edge dynamic and real time planning, making whatever revenue possible and move ahead. The domain knowledge to the minutest detail, understanding every geography and even culture would be of immense value. The famed consultants have already gone into hiding, they might not be of any use, even if they are out. The war battled practitioners can only show the way.


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