Political Criminality


DailyPost 2980

What we hear and see in the all-pervasive cacophony in the public domain is defence of criminality is some form or the other, by the political class in their various avatars and democratic positioning. Criminality is represented in all pervasive levels of criminal activity; actual offences, offences which are committed gleefully but have successfully evaded law and public eye, an active brigade to support, defend and prove that there has been no criminality and governments successfully condoning criminal activities.

Political criminality is the successful art of managing criminal activities and getting away with it unscathed. There would be no denying the fact that there can be some reverses at times but a tool kit has been perfected to deal with it. The approach is surreptitious to start with, and slowly becomes abrasive and audacious as per the requirements of the situation. They don’t mind even pitched battle if it comes to that. They have deep pockets and hired high end expertise to fight for them at all levels.

Democratic suave, finesse and media are used in a neatly calibrated manner to give a different image to the people on the face of it compared to totally different machinations happening behind at their beck and call. The is absolutely no connection between the de-jure and the de-facto. Political criminality is best manifested in octopus like control by the political executive of governments and governance. But for very routine, mechanical and small decisions, nearly all others have a political stamp of financial gain / impropriety, political gain, or serving to some vested interest or agenda.

Political criminality has entered every domain of democratic existence, as increasing their area of influence is the DNA of the political class. The batting for a business enterprise by governments, its agencies and a political party against all canons of law, investigative propriety, due process and democratic conventions is the most conspicuous way in which political criminality is being manifested. All political parties do the same, depending on which side their bread is buttered. It is I scratch your back and you scratch mine. Large part of businesses, religious organisations and even the academic world now enjoys the shade under umbrella of political criminality, which is provided for a price. Political criminality has become the standard operating procedure of the nation.

Sanjay Sahay

Have a nice evening.

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