DailyPost 2530
Of late it seems to be a battle between the political worker and the strategist, branding and digital marketing experts of the day in the ongoing feud in the political parties. It is not very visible on the surface, but it is there. Political worker had a role to play in the political strategy and the nature of electioneering. He has been hugely empowered all throughout our independent political history. The ones who see you through thick and time, need to be recognized and given their due when the real political battle is on; the elections. The political worker has been the fulcrum of all political activity which starts with the inception of political parties.
They have been critical in the making of a party and also in its decimation. The cadre-based parties for that very reason have a strength which is one of its kind and has the capability to take it through rough times. 2014 can be called the watershed year when the tilt seems to have happened. For the first time, an outside element, called the political strategist, came on to the center stage. The political worker and cadre which was the toast of any winning party earlier, found new persona being given the center stage.
Barrack Obama in his victory had profusely thanked his public campaign committee. This is just for reference; we are not getting into the composition and the modalities of it. In India with the general election 2014, political strategist had arrived. As per the popular perception, as no one knows the reality, he had the capability to turn tables, which they claim to do, every time a big victory happens. They claim to have a gestation period of around 18 months, in which can deliver. They started having their own team and of late they can be called as one stop electioneering shop.
The early election victories in Delhi also had a huge element of it. Far from banners, buntings, straight public meetings or run of the mill processions, they have taken it to a different level; digital, social media, psychological war, wit / sarcasm, ads, media blitzkrieg et al, all presumably according to a neatly laid out plan. They have huge teams and come at a huge cost. But that seems to have become the order of the day. The technology, finesse and insights they claim to be world class. The themes, their intensity and modalities of communication is all decided by them. The recent Karnataka elections also had a liberal element of it. They have joined the political bandwagon in full strength at the cost of the political worker, who actually injects life in our political system.
Sanjay Sahay
Have a nice evening.