DailyPost 168
Ownership, responsibility and accountability are at the crux of of our professional & personal existence since that time one can think of. These behavioural traits with the associated values and core competencies have not made its way into either procurement or management of projects across board. The successful creation of the deliverables of all projects at hand would have taken the country to the next level, undoubtedly.
Project management literature, thought and practice on the ground have no space for these behavioural traits. It’s brick & mortar of a different kind, from reviews to delivery. With best of the professionals getting into the projects, from consultants to vendors, the vendors having a whole paraphernalia of supervision & audit mechanism, internal & external, the results is there for all of us see. The best a project can reach is completion with time and cost overruns without talking about all the gains & benefits as projected in totality.
The unfix is the lack of ownership. Nobody talks about it. The reviews, field visits and proceedings are supposed to herald ownership, I presume, but it never happens. Ownership has to be of one individual, who is willing and competent in place of the diffused nature of non-functional ownership today . If you don’t own the project, you cannot run the project.
If ownership is there, unstinted responsibility follows. Ownership without responsibility makes no business sense. That would be the replication of the present situation in a different manner. Ownership with responsibility does wonders. It’s more than half the battle own. Project management is battle of nerves in humungous projects; without ownership & responsibility, its nearly impossible to deliver. The final icing on the cake is accountability which should permeate the project management team top to bottom with equal vigor and without any exception.
Sanjay Sahay