DailyPost 550
Psychometrics: The latest craze in tyranny, video appeared on YouTube in Dec’2016 & details of which has now become international headlines. 220 millions of Americans had been analyzed, it claims. The advisory then too was to use less of Facebook. Cambridge Analytica was referred to be a pioneer. Such videos are barely seen & rarely used for changing our habits & thoughts. The psychology of a human mind & personality is analysed the maximum today. Psychographics is here to stay & is being easily translated into big business.
What psychologists researched few persons & then extrapolated it into theories & models, is being done companies out of big data emanating from our daily social media habits. Our social habits in the digital age is mediated by a screen & datafied. To administer small questionnaires & getting it filled was a great task. Statistical analysis was big pain area. Now everything is automated. You are happy enjoying Facebook & data collection happens. How data can be used in most wildest of the ways is no less that a discovery.
The OCEAN model which Cambridge Analytica used; was available for quite sometime; a combination of openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness & neuroticism. This broadly describes human psychology & psyche. The theory came to life because of authentic & big data over a sustained period of time. A researcher’s delight. While we over emphasise our complexity & ability not to get swayed, in reality it has been proven otherwise; Trump / Brexit et al.
Psychographics is complete personality understanding, rather than some predictions on few strands of data. The destination is to know you, better than you know yourself. Depending on the data points, they understand you better than your friend / colleague, good friend, spouse and then the final destination. The software & the algorithm is the final winner.
Sanjay Sahay