DailyPost 575
Today, 50% of world population lives in cities. The challenges are of growing & ageing population, aspirations for better quality environment, developing & managing infrastructure & lower energy use to address climate change. Less energy use leads to less control carbon emissions & a better quality of life.
Smart technology is primarily using Info-Comm Tech, IoT & harnessing the power of data. The insights into data facilitates the creation of smart solutions. By 2025 we will have at least 88 smart cities in the world. India is pitching with its plan of 100 smart cities. Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong says, ”Our vision is for Singapore to be smart nation. A nation where people live meaningful and fulfilled lives, enabled seamlessly by technology, offering exciting opportunities for all.” Smart City is about people & not about technology. But appropriate technology & it’s integration & application is the key.
Smart Cities are like our human bodies, systems working in tandem. Cognition is the magic wand. We live & survive on it. Sensors & data finally play the most vital role. If you add a sensor layer to the town, it collects data and from the insights of the data, helps the town to learn and adapt. Smart solutions emanate out of this concept.
Developing the smart city is based on making the city liveable, efficient, sustainable & safe; through the critical components of smart planning, smart environment, smart estate services & smart living. Applications & services finally transform the city into smart. Smart Planning is based on data, developing a 3D mapping, even going down to wind flows, just to give an idea. Computer simulation is very useful. Design is the key element. Natural ventilation cuts down energy usage. Aesthetics with functionality. Sensors provide critical data & systems respond to it.
Transport planning & operations becomes efficient on sensor data. Smart mobility happens. Home energy management solutions are energy savers. Smart solutions are multifaceted.
Sanjay Sahay