DailyPost 1897
Cloud was a grave security concern before the onset of COVID-19 and how seamlessly we got into it even without realizing it. This is the nature of digital transformation which has already immersed the world and is moving ahead with an exponential pace. Might be there would be lots of organizations and agencies that would not have boarded the Cloud Bus, for reasons of the nature of their business / activity, but there is no denying the fact that as individuals, all of us globally have been fully wedded to the cloud. The cloud has helped us survive through the pandemic. The recent outage of Facebook Inc for around 5-6 hours proved to the world how dependent we are on them. The nature of free service being provided by the IT behemoths for a variety of requirements, nobody has been able to provide even at best of the prices.
Not that the concerns surrounding this are not real, but when you don’t have an alternative and the world has to move, what is the choice. Outsourcing has been one of such tech movements, which has clearly thrown open wide crevices in its functioning. The basic fact of the matter is that whatever might be the business model, the solution and service have to stick and should be robust enough to provide failsafe service 24/7/365, when it gets contracted upon. The gaps which emanate when agencies / enterprises have to work together is a part of the IT folklore. Few don’t get sorted out ever and give birth to newer and newer models. As it stands now IT behemoths of cloud provide the services which they have decided, and also the manner they want and literally to every nitty gritty and you have no say.
When businesses are getting more and more competitive and governance deliverables are being demanded by the citizens, what is the way forward. The huge capital cost on IT infrastructure is killing. The technical support is very difficult to provide internally and if done, it is again at a huge cost. The outside support by warranty and annual maintenance is not able to deliver at that level. Even the services out the IT infrastructure are limited. Lots of processes and utility of data remains broadly as the sustenance level. As we move forward the only model for the tech industry is the subscription model, which would be able to provide standardized quality of activity / service and deliverables, by a robust full proof infra, something comparable to the cloud.
In simple terms it is a high-end tech activity conducted and results provided, actionable and business worthy on a monthly, daily or work-based subscription basis, with easy options to move out. The charges are based on the services etc provided and there is hardly any capital cost involved or it is very minimal. If you were able to use a drone for your exact requirements on a monthly basis, would you not jump on to it or not? If data analytics as required by your business needs is taken care of and business intelligence which you have missed out for ages is provided at your beck and call, would you not jump for it? If your business’s complete video requirements are put on plug and play mechanism and the complete requirements are managed on the cloud, providing you every detail instantaneously, based on your access and privileges, will you not jump on it? The subscription model throws up possibilities which can revolutionize the world, COVID-19 has left us with no choice.
Sanjay Sahay