DailyPost 775
Waymo would be the market leader of self driving cars market of $2.3 trillion in 2030 with a market share of 60%. Waymo is Google’s self driving taxi service company which about to launch its operations in Arizona hopefully next month after billions of hours and testing & validation of numerous technologies. Most of the technologies are home grown at Google and it would redefine out existence and Waymo success as a commercial company, these remain top guarded secrets. Sci-Fi would no long remain be the part of the Hollywood movies, that is going to become our life.
One accident by a driverless car sometime back in Arizona has brought the acceptance levels to just 21%. But in the real world of cars & drivers, accidents are so endemic to the system that we had even forgotten to think about it, even if we see one right in front of us. India is number one in road accidents. Even after the worst of the road crashes we don’t battle an eyelid, we get into our cars and move on nothing has happened. Technological wonder aside, there is a strong case for a switch over.
Autonomous cars would bring a tectonic shift in our lives and the cities we live in. 94% of the accidents occurs due to human failure. The main causes which leads to this error primarily can be broken down into two – that of recognition and the second is of decision making. Even otherwise, a human being is frail & fragile compared to autonomous driver. The traffic jam time can range to tens of hours in densely populated cities, leading to the loss of economically time for the nation. The roads would get both less clogged & safer. Huge amount of workforce would get freed. 96% of time vehicle remains parked. Imagine of situation when city travel would become complete hassle free.
The technology is at it’s best. The car has multiple kinds of sensors with 360 degree coverage. It can watch every car, every gap, every street, every time, all day long. This sorts out the recognition problem nearly completely. With state of art first time techonologies being tried on the now known and successful platforms of Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence, it is bound to deliver. Learning machines, humungous computation & storage and cognition coming through various ways, the machine is all set to beat its creator.
Sanjay Sahay