Daily Post 1467
Processes and mechanisms seamlessly intertwined with conscience and professionalism is the magic sauce on which the governance can run in a robust manner in the present times. What was it’s nature and the way it succeeded pre and post independence, we will leave it for another day. As in IT the whole drama of Geography becoming History is hitting them back, given the pandemic, in the same vein prolonging historical systems which have outlived its utility, takes you to the same fate. Our Constitution in one of the most detailed ones and has neatly elaborated the mandated tasks, the mechanism and the manner in which, it needs to be fulfilled.
Two disclaimers which has to be necessarily stated is that there are professionals in the system who deliver at whatever cost it takes, even personal. The second is the word brazen being used in a way, it seems as if the aberration has happened for the first time. Brazen has become the order of the day or it has already been there on a scale and intensity required to browbeat the system on a day to day basis. As weird things happen, this model of brazenness paves way for the taking it to much higher levels. The parameters of a different world does not work out there. It has an ecosystem of its own. If you stay there for a week or so, that too incognito, you would understand what runs in their blood and also of those who govern and control them.
The superstructure seems to be like a pack of cards, which falls in the manner it has been created. You can well visualise the analogy of the pandemic and our medical infrastructure and various other support systems. The infrastructure is known but extraordinary problems are unknown. What would be fate of a serious victim in a remote District hospital? Is there any tracking system of the victim’s movement, till the time proper medical treatment is decided and provided. Does the chain of hospitals created for this purpose, know how to provide the referral support to the victim & on time?
There is a robust mechanism to take care of heinous cases, level after level and stage after stage. On the face of it, no major lapse would seem feasible. From the preliminary to the gravest stages, the numerous checks and balances, the responsibility and accountability have all become a pack of cards, when it is required to be exemplary, is what one is forced to believe at times. Then we have the intelligence to provide inputs needed for making things known, wherever and whenever required. The super regulatory agencies, mostly mandated by statute have awareness & prevention as neatly mentioned tasks. The powers post the offence certainly remains there for remedial / punitive / correctional action. All fall under the overall governance mechanism. The opposition gets on its task henceforth.
Sanjay Sahay