DailyPost 439
Governments have an uncanny knack of missing out on the first wave of adoption of any revolutionary technology and with AI too, the story does not seem to be any different. With Siri, Cortana, Alexa having already made entry into our lives, any govt offering of a similar nature is still a long way off. Imagine an AI product guiding your way through the relevant information needed from the government.
There is no denying the fact that the citizens want a more digital government. In a survey by Accenture, only 27% of US citizens felt satisfied with the government’s digital offerings. 92% said that ”improved digital services would positively impact the view of the government.” The government agencies typically, as earlier too, are trying to catch up just to enter the current era rather than anticipating the next one. They ought to elevate to the next stage directly.
In the govt. in the developed world too, it seems AI is treated as what is metaphorically called ”shiny new typewriter.” As a matter of abundant precaution we need to be wary of it. The efforts sound like doing the same tasks faster & easier in opposition to doing it differently with next level success & immense citizen satisfaction. The effort should be at at taking out stress, tension and wasteful time from the citizens engagement with the government.
Think of the hapless patient in a govt. hospital being guided through his hospitalisation& also preparing him for the process much before he gets into the process. And at the other end, a company registration done in a similar manner with all approvals with AI. The real ease of business.
As the repository of huge multidimensional databases of citizens engaged in different interfaces with the govt. and the biggest and most multifarious service provider to its citizens, AI can do wonders to the service delivery mechanism in this country. While big corporations can go their way, start ups can turn out to be the killer.
Sanjay Sahay