DailyPost 912
Understanding the person’s mood and then responding to it in the best possible manner, has been the ever lasting urge of every individual and a professional. These moods are the superstructure on the behavioural traits of the individual, which need necessarily be positive and proactive. If mood swings become the order of the day managing time and people will always be challenge and so would be other people having interaction / work with you. Are you in control of your mood is most critical element of your work, work life balance, overall personality and what you finally deliver in your profession and life.
Keeping in control all the moods all the time is a superhuman task. Being in control of most of the moods most the times can do wonders and the society and the profession does not expect anything beyond that. Behavioural trait also defines the mood. Both work in tandem. This could have been your experience too, with the people you live with and work. What is of relevant is whether are you aware that something is amiss in your personality? Do you intend to take remedial action?
From a very young age we start giving in, into the uncalled requirements of kids, the tantrum in the process solidifies and over a period of time is one of the main reasons of mood change or swing as you call it. When your reactions are not under your control is where the issue is. Lots of public utterings may be pre-planned but lot of it is also happening out of agitated moods. It leads to the changing of the public discourse. If not attended to, it can certainly be a road towards depression.
A robust person in full control of himself leading or working for an organisation adds value to it. Handling human beings in nonsensical moods add to the professional liability of the organisation. The same applies to families and societies. There are some people of this genre who have used this useless behavioural trait of their as bargaining tool. It does immense injustice to others and has all the elements of vitiating the work culture of the organisation.
Sanjay Sahay