DailyPost 801


Ratings are big business and so are the companies behind it. In a capitalist world of fly by wire information, the ratings do impact the institutions, enterprises and even countries. It is certification for what they have been claiming of or slap on the face on the claims made. There are some narrow misses are too. Regular / annual ratings & survey / findings do give a peep into the functioning, the present status of the enterprise or so, is the prevalent thought. From Gartner to Standard & Poor’s to Glassdor do claim to open up the world for you objectively going through an empirical process. Creating the nature of credibility these companies have created for themselves over long many years gives us a feeling that it is well deserved.

Given the fact that Millennials are becoming a sizeable chunk of the workplace, the one job tied for life concept has become archaic. This is where the best place to work survey fits in. Companies too need right / best talent to first stay afloat and then to improve upon. The salary offered to the employee and physical amenities provided are not the only criteria. Facebook is now not the best place of work having holding the first position since 2015. It has slipped to the seventh position. The company’s employee satisfaction rating has steadily fallen over the course of the year from a 4.6 to 4.3. Zoom video communication is now at number one in the Glassdor’s 2019 list of the “Best Places to Work.”

Falling by a new notches wouldn’t mean much for a global social media giant but given the nature of public scrutiny Facebook is facing certainly does not augur well. It is under sharp public gaze for how it handles user data and misinformation on the platform. This data adds ammunition to thr already not so happy employees for not being take on board issues which they feel rightly is of consequence to them. It is so paradoxical that in last three years when Facebook was the best place to work, this sordid saga was unfolding inside the company. There has been a steep decline is employee satisfaction alone in the last quarter.

“Facebook employees talked about the ‘move fast’ culture sometimes moving too fast.” Glassdor said the employees wanted a more robust internal structure and transparency from the company’s leadership. Lots of senior resources have left and lots would leave if they find a suitable opportunity. Trust is the prime driver of a business enterprise, it’s loss means a downhill. Time to act.


Sanjay Sahay

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