DailyPost 597


Given the nature of our dependence on ICT in every facet our existence, the concerns regarding Cyber Readiness is not misplaced. While there can be any number of subjective thoughts on the subject, the Cyber Readiness Index created by Melissa E. Hathaway, brings the whole issue to a much more measurable platform. She was the Cyber Security Advisor to the US President. In her opinion no country is cyber ready.

The parameters on which she bases her findings are: 1) Articulation & publication of a National Cyber Security Strategy, 2) Does the country have an operational Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) or Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT)?, 3) Has the country demonstrated commitment to protect against crime?, 4) Does the country has an information sharing mechanism? and 5) Is the country investing in cyber security basic and applied research and funding cyber security initiative broadly?

The cyber security scenario has worsened since then. The nature of mass breaches, hacks, increased ransomware attacks indicate that sufficient enough efforts have not gone in this direction. There is also a feeling that powers that be have not been able to fathom out then real depth and complexity, thus have not been able to make commensurate efforts to meet the challenge.

Even countries who lead the index are also experiencing GDP degradation on account of cyber security. This explains the intensity of the problem and that it needs have more teeth. 27 of the 35 countries studied have some Cyber Security Strategy, but unfortunately few are able to measure progress, even fewer have invested in the strategies successful. Money and resources are not forthcoming by the govts. Few countries are investing in Public/ Private structured information sharing exchanges. We don’t have any idea as to the impact made on US President’s executive order on similar lines. Very rarely we have any R&D initiatives aligned for this purpose. A grim picture.


Sanjay Sahay

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