Daily Post 1469
The efforts at computerisation has been ongoing in this country for more than two decades by now. All areas purportedly had been trying to put in digital system and communication enablement to make services dynamic & realtime, alleviating the drudgery of the masses, which did not happen in the physical information stitching mechanism . This thought process and business stand presumes that at the physical level services are being offered at the mandated and desired level. It also presumes that the attitudinally the Human Resource is at par. The utilisation of funds and the completion certificates gives us clarity on the work completed.
The work done to bring digital systems to life also means the silos are geographical, the systems put in place are technically and operationally fine. The logical corollary is that it can be replicated at will, given the funding and technical resources. Video conferencing has been happening in cases of some trials in case of dreaded criminals etc being in jails. Bringing them to court was both a great waste of time and Human Resource and also security risk. Just imagine of a situation of video conferencing made fully functional at all courts across the country and connecting lawyers chambers and others mandated; a whole ecosystem of robust video conferencing, then the debilitating impact of the pandemic on case trials could have been largely avoided.
The judicial administration could have run smooth, notwithstanding the initial lockdown jolt. This is an issue in large parts of the govt as well. What is required is a Digital Business Logic. What is required in creation of any software are the Business or functional principles and connected processes. The core technology stack is synthesised with the Business Logic. And you get a working robust software. Most the technologists mess with the Business Logic and the miscommunication has its genesis here. The capability of the owners, practitioners or the domain experts acquiring the skill of understanding their own business requirements, from a technology point of view, so as get the software / digital system created, operated and scaled is known as Digital Business Logic.
Without Digital Business Logic everything would remain haphazard, people not being in control of their digital ecosystem, with no capability to understand and so also unable to replicate or scale. If the whole government but for essential / critical services, were to move to the work from home, it would be a stupendous transformation. This redundancy will help governance anytime and every time. The same is with schools and colleges. We can battle it out with COVID-19 only with robust digital systems, nearly failsafe and way better what we were provided with in the primarily physical system.*All this would need Digital Business Logic in people who decide, own and run these systems and are responsible and accountable for it. With this level of technology there can be no excuse for not having a fully home grown technology solution for each area / sector, enterprise or specialisation.