Daily Post 1298
Have schools, offices, meetings and seminars moved seamlessly to the digital mode? Are there issues with this unguided digital transformation generally moving on free video conferencing tools with some basic features? Do we understand technology, methodology, preparedness and training of taking any important human activity onto a total digital mode existence? Has the physical experience and requirements of that activity been met? What has been the costing, the likely costing and sustainability?
The likely costing if it were to redone in peacetime and made an independent mode of office / business activity capable of sustaining on a regular basis. We start with first premise that digital is the replication of physical activity. Though our basic thought process believes the same, this is the farthest from reality. The clutter of a meeting or class can be completely brought down if the digital tool is properly customised. Most of the disciplining and housekeeping part is automatically taken care of. If there is a fixed periodicity, the meeting can scheduled and communicated without any effort. The video of the last meeting can also be put on access.
With the education game, the whole life cycle has to be evolved. The whole year’s class wise distribution of curriculum can be put on display. The seamless functioning of the class; the interaction, supervision and accountability has to be worked out on the software tool used for the purpose. Just on purely technical side, leaving aside the features of the video conferencing tool; the bandwidth, the gadget, its technical specifications, audio / video specs have to specified and adhered to for things to happen at ease in a virtual class. From the tech specifications to creating a digital online school, testing it, making it seamless till complete conduct of exams will not be an easy job.
The present adhoc system was born out of an immediate necessity. It is barely operational. It’s has to be enabled with technical, operational and domain capabilities fully equipped to deliver at the highest level. It would be next level of ERP with video / audio all in built, all activities of the domain with all workflows take care. An all out product for the online education or online office. Whatever way the world takes, the crisis to opportunity route is again being validated.