Daily Post 1344
Imparting education over the last few decades was transformed into a standardised assembly line, the resources neatly worked out and put on a seamless mode, no improvements incorporated but for packaging and put securely on a robust business model. With this the added moral high ground of being in the noble field of education and helping create a highly talented and responsible GenNext. Anything beyond the conventional effort was never thought of, technology usage beyond emails and What’sApp groups could not touch them and planning and strategy was safely ensconced for the next century.
All was running fine with each of the stakeholder’s paying homilies to other till COVID-19 health crisis ripped apart the world. This crisis has left no sector untouched and each is trying in its own way to come to grips with reality. It has to be battled out in the real world now with no masks. Masks for COVID-19 prevention would not be of help. The technology averse Educomp friendly educators were thrown on the deeper side to the online pool. They are still grappling with the online classes tough this medium has been there for years, coaching guys have been using it effortlessly.
Though it has been over two months, the nitty gritty of digital content and is pedagogy remains mostly unknown. Educators could have created this by now. Collaborating is the key to conducting gigantic novel tasks in a short span of time. You have to know technology to find a solution out of it. Online classes seems to have thrown the confidence of the teachers out of the window. At least some are shying away from the idea of being judged, so to say on a public platform. The Conferences on the digital mode has its own issues.
Lack of knowledge of Cyber Security is creating its own problems. Educators don’t want to visualise crisis situations. Stuck up, they keep waiting for instructions. The bigger educators are also in the same plight. The unforeseen situation has to be handled by educators themselves. The expertise of this field in conjunction with the knowledge of the outside world and limitations thrown by COVID-19 has to be put together to work out an effective solution. Promoting without exams, cutting curriculums and keeping students engaged in an unacademic manner are not the solutions for which educators would gain in respect.
Well Articulated.