DailyPost 1118   


This was in the offing for quite sometime, it had to happen somewhere and it did. A university for AI. Not in Western Europe or the US or South East Asia, it is making its debut at Abu Dhabi. The world’s first AI University will start functioning for its first masters and PhD programs to begin in Sept 2020. It might turn out to the game changer if it unfolds in the manner it should, to become the center of cutting edge technology which is on verge of subsuming all other technologies. This is the general purpose technology of the future.

It seems to be a pioneering effort to develop a workforce well versed in artificial intelligence and give this gulf kingdom a lead in this technology. It can feed AI resources to the adjoining countries and at its best can outsource its talent to US, Europe and other leaders in the field. Located in Masdar City with latest state of art facility and equipments for local and international graduate students, it would provide for three main specialised fields of Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing.

”The world needs more human capacity in the field of AI to bride any possible gaps,” is the intention being the establishment of Mohammad Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence will have innovation at its core. What is important is to create an ecosystem of propel nascent field of AI into promising tangible products changing the lives of people in a transformative manner.

AI so far has not been an University game, with all IT behemoths having taken immense strides, Google DeepMind and even Waymo can be called the pioneers in this field in the footsteps of world renowned research on IBM Watson. Will universities deliver the ultimate talent or would it just be a catching game or the final success would go to DeepMind type of combination of academic research and product creation rolled into one. The AI war is heating up.


Sanjay Sahay

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