DailyPost 1117
Nobody could have visualised that a new way of taking photographs would revolutionise the way we look at the ourselves, the world, the way we conduct / participate in social functions, may be the way we dress, the way we intend to make social impact and for lots the world has started revolving around it. The split second sharing of this self portraiture on social media channels and its immediate impact / response has been putting the world in a tizzy. We can see selfies being shot all around the place. The world has learned the art ’to pose’ which only celebrities specialised in earlier. Time to break free!
Selfie was invented in the year 1839 by Robert Cornelius who snapped his photo. The word after ages was first tweeted in 2007. Paris Hilton can be credited to have made selfie a worldwide phenomenon. With the smartphone in your hand, selfies have become the ultimate tool of self expression. People are ready to take any number of attempts to shoot the right selfie. Others want to shoot at the edges of life – precarious to one’s existence, to the extent that 250 persons have died taking selfies sine 2011. Selfies have entered the unnatural death category in Police parlance.
Research suggested six main motivations to taken selfies. Self confidence – making your feel positive, environmental enhancement for location, feel good / show off, social competition in the battle for ‘likes’, attention seeking, mood modification to feel better and subjective commodity to fit into one’s social group and peers. Whatever be the motivation or a combination of the above the purpose is to create a genuine or a perceived identity.
Social media where the selfies are consumed is all too well known for dopamine leading to reward-motivated behaviour. From a psychological perspective it is self orientation to self importance and onto streaks of narcissism.”Selfitis” is classed as new mental disorder and is defined as ”the obsessive compulsive desire to take photos of one’s self and post them on social media as a way to make up for true lack of self-esteem and to fill a gap of intimacy.”
Sanjay Sahay