DailyPost 487
Gestation period is the time between conception and birth. Though genesis of this term is biological, yet it’s been very liberally used in many areas of human existence. The analogy is very easy to understand and drives the point home with razor like precision. The intent, content, creation and operations all covered end to end. Whatever may be the project, professional or personal, clarity on the gestation time is a must. It’s manifests the actual time required based on all the necessary inputs for the creation / development of the same.
In today’s fast paced and consumerist world, results are being manufactured. The laws of nature cannot be compromised, may it be the economic or the social world. The challenge has to met with straight & square, efforts cannot be minimised for commercial and other purposes, else the results show blatant creaks, even before the product, commercial or otherwise hits the market / operations.
The irony of the situation is that in present day world, most of the creation’s effort, methodology and testing have been scientifically documented, to be put into practice, yet everybody feels that gestation periods can be drastically cut. The cost factor is of prime importance, sustainability is nobody’s baby.
At a generic level though effort, time & cost calculation is the favoured work of all our companies, it is being tinkered with, at whims & fancy, to the detriment of the project itself. There are no validators or proven capability & competency, either within or outside the organisation, whose opinions can be taken with finality. It needs to be binding as well. This approach has been at the root of most ailments of the digital world, what we term as cyber security today.
A rationalisation of gestation period for projects, based on real inputs and final robust product / service, will go a long way in bringing sanity and quality in the cut throat commercial world.
Sanjay Sahay