DailyPost 871
The quality and fate of India’s engineering education has been discussion endlessly. No stakeholder is ready to stick out his neck for making that utmost desired change to resurrected the most important element of nation building; producing only world class engineers. The silence is deafening; college managements, Principals & faculty, students, parents and regulators. The situation is most worrisome to say the least. 92% of the engineers are unemployables and barely 3% of the Computer Science graduates can code, in the days of literally coding out of a library. The IT industry has to pick up its human resources out of this pool itself. It’s in their vested interest to make this change.
India Internship Programme positions itself as the harbinger of change to use internship as tool to make the young Indian engineers Industry Ready in the true sense of the term. This would slowly but steadily subsume the decimated utility of present engineering courses and force them to make the drastic changes which no one is presently ready for. It has to be a intensively thought out, blueprint to be created by the best in the engineering education & training and meticulously executed.
It has to be a nationally run programme, broadly on a aggregator model by a Consortium of IT Companies. All companies becoming a part of this programme will have to declare the number of interns they intend to take in that particular year. Approximate number would be known in advance as is the case of engineering seats. Interns would broadly become a temporary part of the workforce on the terms and conditions decided. The modalities of selecting and hiring interns can be done by a body of the consortium itself, to provide the ultimate experience and feel of merit and transparency. This would be a great trait to learn and could turn out to a very relevant life skill.
The requirements, curriculum, content, the methods of hands on, mentors, evaluation process would be decided by the Consortium of IT Companies. The intention is make their knowledge / skills / competencies and attitude ready for the industry they intend to join. It would be a three month programme for three consecutive years at the end on 2nd, 4th and the 6th Semesters. It can be done in one or more companies, the accepted commitment is one year. It would be drawn afresh the subsequent year. Time for this over delayed innovation.
Sanjay Sahay