DailyPost 1165
Tangibles are something very easy to identify, you can make out the physical form, identifiable, utility generically known and generally a combination of these are likely to deliver what capability is also known. For products, gadgets etc that might hold good, how much it holds good for human beings is getting in the realm of conjecture. The predictability of tangibles in human being’s success and their subsequent happiness seems to be on the decline.
The tangible and intangible issue has come into play much more in modern times because the intangibles which went with the tangibles is not happening now. A tenth certificate taken as a tangible used to connote hard work, zest for learning, some foresight might be quarter of a century back, not any more. A degree would mean his fitness to take challenges, be straightforward and the like. A tangible of being in a reputed school would mean right moral values.
Elon Musk once repented that he should have hired people with the right attitude rather than having gone for the talented. Talent in terms of the education gone through and expertise gained which are outright tangibles have been failing when in competition with attitude in cut and dry real world. The CV full of all tangibles does give us any indication whether the person is the risk taking type.
Decision making is an intangible. The creation of this knack is beyond the portals of any institution. Few back end tangibles are supposed to add to this human tool, which is just a theoretical construct, it does not happen. The posts and job descriptions, tangibles delivered in each of these are no guarantee that you have developed the intuition of getting it right on half baked information over and over again. It’s generally the other way round.