DailyPost 2614
This was the case earlier also and it for this reason we keep talking about expertise, competencies and experience. At the back end of it all, is the self-learning mode. Possibly, no education or training in this world can make you fully adept to your job, more so at impact making positions. No training can provide you with the fullest perspective and simultaneously add to it vision and actionable futurism. The nature of work is changing at a pace we are not even able to comprehend, leave aside getting ready to take it on and deliver.
The self-learning mode necessarily incudes the hands-on component, without which nothing can be delivered in today’s world. Either you do it, supervise it and at the least at the higher levels understand it with clarity. Self-learning also includes the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary learning, needed to make anything happen in today’s world, where nothing is solo today. Even is simple operations and knowledge of gadgetry coming to production is a must, the presumption is that you cannot exist without the self-learning mode. Though we provide fullest lip-service to it, the reality is that it barely exists. Degrees to get jobs and upgradation by way of training and certification have been mainstay of the professional expertise upgradation. It has been proven over and over again that this is not enough.
While the professional world is forced to come up to the minimum benchmark to function, what about the generalists and even lesser mortals in this ecosystem. You can call them para-generalists, for the lack of any better word. The unfortunate part is that the para-generalists have the maximum powers to decide on our fate. The best-known example are the politicians in general and political executive in particular. They are the government. When most of times the learning itself is missing, how will the additional knowledge and expertise happen through self-learning. Having the power to decide today is a defunct power.
The power to deliver comes from the right self-learning in the given circumstances. Otherwise, the issues /problems and even simple operations comes to bite you at least at every moment of crisis. No forward-looking futuristic ventures can successfully happen with confidence without matured self-learning. Then what about the bureaucracy. They have to be all knowing given the fact that they have expansive job requirements. Does their education and training make them competent to handle such multifarious expert tasks. What does the unconnected refresher courses, study tours and bland years of service mean? The academic world seems to be most devoid of self-learning. A whole eco-system of self-learning needs to be devised and operated for them, if we want to remain in the battle. The professional world, inclusive of IT know the requirements and also the lacunae but desperately want to manage with the available competencies. It is not going to work out.
Sanjay Sahay
Have a nice evening.