DailyPost 2613
In a world where cut, copy and paste are the order of the day, who is bothered about the original. Fast, fast and faster, but what is being churned out in the fast mode is the question which no one has an answer. No one wants to attempt an answer either. Each one of us has declared himself a professional. Everything you do is outstanding and social media would help you believe that. There is another school of thought which talks of smart work, the tech visionaries who gave us this digital world for sure were not devoid of the right approach to work. That they have delivered is a historical fact.
If everyone at his best becomes a consultant, who cannot even deliver a good plan, then where does the world go from here. That is the simple reason why world is eternal search of the original. They have defined the world from Karl Marx, Adam Smith to Steve Jobs to Sam Altman. The canvas of the world we live in has been created by many originals, who would still be a small lot. It takes a long time for the original to prove that is he one against a wave of general recrimination within and outside the organization. An outstanding original, Steve Jobs thought process has been defined as one of distorted reality field.
This one may presume to be the main kernel of the original; in thought, spirit and action, giving it to the world with barely any fanfare to reap the benefits. No risk is big and *biggest effort is transitory for him. He is ever ready for another battle. The product, company, deliverable et al has to reach the user / citizen and the impact should be breath taking, taking the human experience and living to a different level. The seminal idea of “The Original” has been brought alive in a recent interview of Tim Cook, Apple CEO. The original has a reverence which time and space cannot is well proven in human history.
Thinking differently is their fate. That what they create would impact mankind it the thought for which they live and die for. All this is immensely elucidated in the life of Steve Jobs. “Steve was an original.” Cook said in a recent interview. He added, “I think only Steve could have created Apple and we *owe him a debt of gratitude. There’s is no doubt in my mind that if he were still alive today the company would be doing outstanding, and he would still be the CEO.” Three cheers for the spirit of the originals in making our world a much better place to live in.
Sanjay Sahay
Have a nice evening.