DailyPost 967


Multitasking has turned out to be the core competency of the harried professional. Multitasking is that are of doing many routine, sedentary, mechanical, non-intellectual, non-creative work simultaneously and feel great about it. This is a feather in the cap of the professional. Might be if each of these tasks were to be performed one after the other if would have been done at a faster speed and more productively. The semi-dormant mental condition is the key to multitasking. Non-thinking is key to multitasked. Do you use all your faculties, cognition and expertise while multitasking?

Multitasking mindset is a feel good mindset. It means that you can use a keyboard while you attending to call and another person narrative you some official proposal. If decision making is involved in the call you have taken or keyboard is to churn out your thought process into a productive proposal or gist with clarity of some case or event or the narrative of the proposal needs not only a serious frame of mind but some application of mind too, can multitasking be done? Should it be done? Is it even feasible?

Are any us employed to do call center type multitasking, receiving one call, hanging another, looking in the system for some information, shouting for some information from a colleague next to your desk and simultaneously keeping talking to the caller. If this is the competency required for professionals jobs, the can’t be called professional jobs. Who knows in the mediocrity of our work output, multitasking has major role to play. Multitasking has to be unmasked. We cannot celebrate both focused approach to work and multitasking.

It is high time we get out of this multitasking mindset, anyway bots would be able to perform this in true mechanical and automated manner without you being able to gloat on your super skill of multitasking. It is time to use all our constructive energies, skills, professional competence in a focused manner to deliver world class documents, products, manage processes, deliver services where predictable excellence is our hallmark.


Sanjay Sahay

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