DailyPost 955
The recent reports on the employability of engineers not ringing alarm bells with the all the stakeholders is not a matter of serious alarm. Only around 2% of the engineers would be able to find new age engineering jobs. The stakeholders; first and foremost the students, then teachers, educationists/managements and parents seem to be on the Trump mode on climate change, that it is not a fact. You might be able evade the existence of this ugly scenario which is your creation, but you will not be able to withstand the onslaught unleashed out of this deliberate evading act.
Without getting into the reasons of it, vast majority of engineering education as it stands today is a tacit understanding between college managements, faculty and parents to manage a workable degree and henceforth a job. The students willy nilly plays into it. Though he knows he would be at the receiving end, he finds an easy fun loving college life a better bargain. The country played into the make believe trust story which has got completely unstuck. With no solutions coming from any of the stakeholders or the regulators, a National Engineering Employability Eligibility Test, NEEET, can be an effective answer.
Engineering education infrastructure is a national asset and cannot be held hostage by the people who own it. For the nation, ownership is just incidental. Young engineers can only make the Indian dream happen. They are the dignity, aspiration and the working potential to propel India into the real growth trajectory. Even otherwise we need a small percentage of the mass engineering production. An effective filtering mechanism by way NEEET can give employers the confidence; govt, public sector or private, that the first level quality screening has been done. Economic growth is a national responsibility and so is the mechanism to make it happen.
It would be a clear signal to the hand and glove managements of the end of the era of mass manipulation extending to the companies HR connects and mass recruitment drives meant for the body shopping enterprises. With the goal post changing, the rules of the game has to change, merit / fairness will be forced to enter all levels of the engineering education supply chain. Lack of choice is the best choice to ensure quality.
Sanjay Sahay