DailyPost 2434
The actual genesis of any public policy by way of its creation; the person, the institution, the modalities, the inputs, the validation, chances of success and its likely impact barely gets to be known in the public domain. The dialogue with the people and its incorporation in a constructive manner can at best be a pipe dream. The thought process is that the development of public policy should follow an assembly line approach. It will take some time to create it, but as and when it happens it can take us to a different world of governance and public administration.
The aim to create a Six Sigma Model of public policy. As is and desired level we need to know; the first has to discovered, researched, written and agreed up and the second is a wish list what a public policy should be. The success of it would depend in its implementation, notwithstanding how good the policy might be. The implementation mechanism is the core to any public policy. But who is bothered? A policy has become an advisory, is it’s sad fate. Today lots adorn our government document repositories and are dusted and displayed for some specific purposes. We find them in references for a variety of purposes. Mostly, it is criticized for the way it was created and the utility thereof and then the next one is again created in the same manner.
Public Policy has become a fad for the academicians and researchers that that is the reason we have Public Policy schools mushrooming in business schools and other locations. The think tanks contribute their bit by being on the periphery of the ecosystem. Strangely, they feel satisfied with what they are doing, not being connected to the public policy creation in any manner. Besides, the people in the government, someone else too contributes is this exercise, being least equipped to do so. The consulting companies, consultants and advisors, working on company templates or the points noted in the meetings / briefings. At the end of the day, it is no one’s baby. They are not impacted and it can be changed or made again some-day.
What we need in public interest are cogent / implementable public policies for the nation, through an institution spearheading it; Nation Public Policy Institute. Based on practitioner / academician model, it would have the expertise to pen down policies, which can be approved after the requisite process of consultation and approval. The experts, researchers, practitioner resources would be there at every stage to see it through, defending the draft based on all comprehensive knowledge, expertise and acumen. A multidisciplinary – multifarious talent tool attached to the institute would be continuously tapped with fullest accountability. A detailed blueprint of implementation would also be their task, mandated to also assist / facilitate the implementation process. Teaching and research would in inbuilt into the institution, to make it robust, creative, blooming with ideas with the ability to push it through. A new bunch of professional creators of public policy and implementation facilitators would do a yeomen service to transform India.
Sanjay Sahay