DailyPost 257
Networking is being flaunted in professional & personal circles for quite sometime now, the exact details of this exercise, the utility & impact thereof is difficult to fathom out. Of late, this seems to taken some the form of a professional & lots of such professionals can be seen all around the place. In a networked world , this networking is of a different kind.
Conferences & seminars are treated as the fountain head of networking, rather than an intellectual & professional exercise. Networking dinners & the like are published blatantly on the brochures & the invites. Meeting people of the same ilk & improving professional knowledge is radically different from what this networking connotes. May be, this is the art businesses require today or is the order of the day, some amount of research can throw light on.
In an age of structured systems & fairness & transparency inbuilt in the digital systems, how this art works is anybody’s guess. Might be this is the business variant of what in general parlance we call as connections, of which, Indians in general are proud of. Over a period of time, the informal networks can have a capability of challenging & influencing well established system. They are also likely to develop a capability to become the termite of the well established systems. The evil impacts of such networks we see & experience on a day to day basis.
Conviction in the utility of networking is directly proportional to the decrease in professionalism & its consequent impact on goods and services. Accountability takes a deep dive & managing superficially is the likely outcome of this exercise, if followed over time & space. Meetings, conferences, professional gatherings slowly becomes sojourns, as the centre of gravity shifts to different less known locations. They all fuel the same exercise.
Sanjay Sahay