DailyPost 987
Philosophy is beyond time and space, relevance never debated. Socrates, the ultimate one, taught Plato, who taught Aristotle and who taught Alexander the Great. It is the purest form of knowledge, the spirit of our existence itself, had it not passed down the generations to this day, human race undeniably would have been poorer. Another age, another philosopher; a man who has made a philosophy of war, of human rights or duplicity of American policies, of literally anything for over last 50 years. Incessantly for public good. Noam Chomsky.
A man who can be considered an ideal epitome of democratic values in theory and in practice has been America’s Socrates, notwithstanding the views and attitude of the establishment, which doesn’t change, whatever may be the party in power and whosoever becomes the president. The modern nation states have much to tackle at the roots of it, till the time they become pure or even worthwhile in thoughts and action and are able to do away with duplicity and even adopt a modicum of transparency. That custodians of democratic conscience and unquestioned intellect will still take sometime to gain their ascendency to relevance in the democratic pecking order.
Public Thinkers are an antidote to democratic toxification and he is the leading light in the world. New York Times calls him ‘arguably’ the most important public thinker alive. The same paper doesn’t quote him or argues with him and network television pop stars would also never argue with him. Yet he remains universally famous, the humanist who rallied against the Vietnam war, is a debate in himself. Agree to everything he speaks and writes in heart and mind but don’t have the courage to accept, is his final thought status quo.
He remains a rock star on college campuses globally, an affable intellectual at MIT, he remains still an alien in the places where policy is made. A voracious reader, researcher, author and an extremely erudite speaker is a global institution in himself. A gift to mankind and a role model for humanity, in the knowledge age.
Sanjay Sahay