DailyPost 2380
While the country has been obsessed with Assets and Liabilities of public figures and quite rightly so, it seems the same things are as much required in our dealing with the corporate world. If relevant validated documents are put up in a database, which is dynamic and real time, easily understandable, it would help the investing public in a big way. That apart we live in a world, where educational assets have much more value than physical and monetary assets. It is high time that we know the educational assets of our public figures, understand how well educated they are and if there is any educational asset political job market fit in the political executive arena and connected posts world.
It is high time that we have intensive research on what we have lost because of not having a political ecosystem of educational assets political job market fit. Coming back the topic, the first step is to have an educational assets database. While you are required to fill these details with the election commission before contesting an election, it has proven to be fraught with unmindful of inconsistencies. Political vested interests might be using it to their advantage, but the crux of the matter is, can’t we have a better system of education related public documents of our public figures.
Whatever might be the legal definition of certificate or degree being a public document, any student, candidate, or a professional person knows he has to present these at the fall of the hat, otherwise he is out the reckoning. The election commission or any legislature secretariat need not take this onerous task on itself, it can be developed as a part of public domain digital initiatives, and all the concerned will have access to it. Or alternately, it can open to one and all in the public domain. When the educational details are filled, the concerned document would need to be digitally filled up, certificates / degrees uploaded, which will find its way into the Political Persons Educational Assets Digilocker. This being a part of the successful Digilocker database, internal search based on relevant parameters can validate the document.
Where it cannot be validated, the concerned issuing educational institution has to confirm it on a well-designed template with all relevant data points and then digitally signed. All these would be documented in computer transaction logs and validated documents would be open to public viewing. Documents which cannot be validated should be marked accordingly and the candidate should be forced to get the physical validation and uploaded, failing which his submission will not be accepted. This would bring down any trend with regards to claiming false educational qualifications. The educational assets digilocker would be upgraded as one when any person on that database earns a new degree or a certificate. This would help track the knowledge growth trajectory, if any, of our political masters. Having cases, public debates and press conferences on the factual status of an educational degree does not augur well for our country, more so for the elevated bunch of law makers. Their capabilities do not generally match to that of a law maker and added to that if their educational qualification is shrouded in mystery, where do we go from here. No rule of law or a new educational policy can save us.
Sanjay Sahay