DailyPost 2492
The constitution of India by a very clear demarcation of powers creating a governance which could act on its own in the interest of the citizens of the country. The bickering of politics should not move into the professional world of governance was the noble intention. The political executive was thus provided by an army of permanent executive, which can fairly be called as the best and the brightest. Today the people in the thick of things have a very poor impression of the practice of the distribution of powers. The larger public cannot differentiate it any way.
The masses treat political class and the executive as one and the same thing, it just that the party keeps changing. So, governance as an objective tool for welfare, developmental administration, multifarious development and growth has been fading into the background, though lip service to this cause, even reaches to the level of spewing venom against each other. What has come to foreground over the years and very surreptitiously is the politics of governance. There is a politics of governance that reigns supreme. A class plays the puppeteer to the government and we all know which class is being referred to.
Unashamed use of power pitched in the garb of governance for clear cut political objectives or even worse vested interests and personal gains has become the order of the day. The neutrality of governance has for long lost its sheen and now we see the same with probity, transparency, and even the minimum levels of accountability. The politics of governance is antithetical to the robust functioning of democracy. While the politics of governance rules the roost governance of politics keep getting weaker by the day. Governance of politics in simple terms means the mechanisms in the democratic set up which regulates the politicians, political parties or any such outfit, coalition et.al.
What is the accountability of political parties under the present legal mechanisms in place? Any regular compliances, audit, code of conduct, practice of intra-party democracy etc.? Whatever is in place, even that is not allowed to function. But for registration of any political party and it being declared as regional or a national party, there is nothing worth mentioning. If the party is in power, the it goes off the regulatory radar for all practical purposes. The anti-defection law has been made a mockery of. Even irregularities and criminal acts either do not ‘deliberately’ come under the clutches of the regulatory and enforcement agencies or at the very worst, when left with no choice they are treated with kid gloves.
Sanjay Sahay
Have a nice evening.