DailyPost 536
Resume as a HR tool has gained immense currency off late. Whether it has served the purpose as an objective tool for hiring, promotion, tracking professional growth or is it like a horoscope of a normal individual? Are competitive exams are a better way of recruitment? How resume in itself can be reinvented into a much more objective tool, deserves attention. With a company writing the resume of Elon Musk on a single page; the world has gone gaga over this feat.
Novoresume wrote a CV two years back on a single page of Elon Musk’s full accomplishments& has improved upon it, recently, creating more relevance, out of the same space. Writing CV is an art is the message. Less is more, is the feeling that runs through. Verbose CVs are out. It should be neat, trim & a work of art / skill. CV is not a document to flaunt but a work / credentials summary of a professional. Has packaging crept in, in this document?
That apart, but for few exceptions, most of the professionals are busy making their Resumes& not their professional careers. Depending on what they treat as the likely flavour of the day; the job description, projects, certifications, are all aligned. There was consultants & advisors, unworthy to face interviews on their resumes themselves. With 90% of our engineers being unemployables, how does this document make the lift off happen. That being the case, what does leadership skill, team building, thinking out of the box mean? Thinking should happen first.
Techies don’t need communication skills is a home grown misconception, as a default explanation, to a tragic professional gap. Work, purpose, requirements, competencies, his world view, will add up into a near perfect resume, if he has the capability to structure, format, design with acceptable levels of communication skill. In absence of the man, the document will speak. This document is a professional in writing.
Sanjay Sahay