DailyPost 475
Every single element of the Smart City operates in a networked atmosphere and every utility reaches to the citizens at through a complex web of connectivity. While we all agree on both its ubiquitous presence and seamless nature of both its input and output, we are averse to treating the connectivity architecture as being an independent component of the overall plan, flowing into every single element and vice versa. It cannot be created the other way round. The issues related to our connectivity today can be a food for thought of what the pitfalls are and find ways & means to avoid it. Silos cannot be brought together the way it is required for a smart city.
Coming of all stakeholders together with clarity on requirements, sharing and related mechanisms can be a good beginning. The connectivity & network experts then would put the connectivity architecture in place. It can be finalised after deliberations trying to put in a solution which is technically, operationally and financially the most viable.
The output would generally be a hybrid, optimising by way of bandwidth sizing & sharing, taking care of minimum & maximum loads of different stakeholders, aggregation required by different operations centers and also the overall Smart City Command & Control Center. The operations based bandwidth requirement calculation & bandwidth sharing & aggregation is the key. It’s a complex technical exercise as is the complexity on the ground to maintain connectivity of the digital infrastructure.
A secondary network is also a must to take care of redundancy issues. The robustness of the system must have the capability of keeping it latency proof. Together, it who’d be a total seamless system maturing and scaling in an iterative process of learning through operations.
Sanjay Sahay