DailyPost 1144
With the same management tonic being served to all varieties of start up patients for the lack of documented management thought or practice locally, it has come in way of creating conspicuously different start up business subculture. If you gloss through the internet, the ease and the confidence with which start up gyan is being imparted gives us a feeling that it is a COTS product to be installed in a plug and play environment. The check lists are all in place and one simple read for anyone having a reasonable common sense would find it to be unworkably simplistic.
On what Business Sub-culture did the Silicon Valley grow, what models did it follow? The start up business sub culture happens only through organic growth and in no other manner. First it is typical to that geographical context which it is set in, synthesised with that historical time; technical and Human Resource, evolves some successful business processes and models and work ethic too, is the start up business subculture. It is quite unlike the corporate culture which can replicated with elan in different geographical setting all across the globe.
But such replications did not happen and Silicon Valley has kept on growing from strength to strength both by way of big corporates born and blossomed there, as well as start ups getting born and following the iconic trajectory. On the contrary, Israel developed a start up business subculture completely typical of Israel, with even military having a critical role to play in its development. The role of the govt. was very different compared with that of the US.
In a different world, different mindset, different form of government, a different ethos is a different start up business subculture at Shenzhen in China. Shenzhen pace describes it all. Humongous would be an understatement there. The government support is yet to deciphered in totality. In a different world, we are yet to find our start up business subculture, caught between American management thought and Indian reality, has compromised for ppt emanated funding, with strong commercial business model yet to find roots.
Sanjay Sahay