DailyPost 454
Feedback is a well accepted tool of management for improvement. Though we all talk about improving the students performance yet we have no tools to improve the teachers efficiency, through a scientific methodology; of a feedback mechanism. Undeniably, we all need people who give us feedback. Broadly, teachers get almost no systematic feedback. Bill Gates is of opinion that lack a feedback mechanism for teachers is putting America’s global leadership at risk.
Hen says and we all know there are no international ranking tables for teachers. Nor do we have any in our country. The performance of the students can throw some light on quality of the teachers. In reading proficiency US is tied with Iceland & Poland at rank 15th and ranks 23rd in Science & 31st in Maths respectively. The best performer is of the province of Shanghai in China which is at the top of the table in reading, maths & science.
The key to their success is how the teachers keep improving. Have we a system to objectively evaluate teachers proficiency? Can the Principals & school managements give us with clarity an improvement matrix of their teachers, based on feedback, action taken thereupon and the final change based on verifiable results & impacts.
In Shanghai, young teachers watch the master teachers at work, have weekly study groups to discuss as to what’s working. Even each teacher is required to observe & give feedback to their colleagues. Excellent teachers exist, if average teachers could reach somewhere close, a revolution will happen.
As per Bill Gates project called Measures of Effective Teaching, some parameters to start with are: does the teacher ask challenging questions, can he explain the idea in multiple ways, does he know when the class understands the lesson? Has the teacher the capability to self correct? Diagnostics through feedback& treatment through an objective solution, can be the beginning.
Sanjay Sahay