DailyPost 1610

Understanding the anatomy of achievement is the biggest challenge one faces in this country. But most of us having gotten this wrong, we end up going on a wrong path and finally declare achievement for something which has been a non-starter. We can hear of these tall claims on a regular basis. Worse still people declare achievement in a failure and this is not the craziest of it all. That crown goes to the unenviable act for taking somebody’s accomplishment and pasting it on to yourself and build a foolish story around it. People can make out but you are happy in fooling yourself. And as  life goes on, on this mode; the task, the industry, the society and the country suffers but who is bothered.

The anatomy of achievement is very simple, if we dare to understand it. You are admitted into a class in a school, you know the syllabus, the content (textbooks), the process, the timelines, the evaluation (a series of it) and at the end of year, your performance on various subjects and parameters are handed over, that is your achievement. Paste this formula, which every single one has gone through, to any aspect of your professional life and you will see that achievement is defined in a radically different way. Either you have to fend for yourself till unfathomable depths or you can be taken care even till flights of fancy.

Objectivity is the ultimate parameter of accomplishment. It would give  the same result every time,  whosoever might the persons involvement. You have to declare your goals, you have do define the processes and the resources for that task, what specifically you bring to the table, how you intend to navigate to success and who would validate the achievement. Put this formula in the public domain and governance of this country and then you realize the achievements tumbling like a pack of cards. The litany of achievements enumerated on every public forum of this country day in day out, is a ridicule of the persons,  it is being addressed to.

If the achievement in every area; every target and every task is not neatly defined with the process and validation, the current Accomplishment  Clamour  can usurp even  the little good that is happening here and  there. It has to be a whole matrix of what you intended to achieve and a complete objective scorecard, as detailed above, can give a true picture of your performance; tasks, parameters, quality, timelines and your contribution. What is happening today is picking up whatever suits the individual or the organisation from the battlefield of average / sub-average performances and keep flaunting it. The sanctity of achievement should not belittled to ulterior publicity of gains. See the splurge of awesome on the social media, that tells the whole story.


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