DailyPost 2501
A country so deeply wedded to talking endlessly with hardly any content also ends up defending all its misdeeds, commission and omission. Rational and logic have become the anti-thesis of public domain existence over the years. People who were mandated to be the leading lights of our ever changing nation and take charge in tumultuous times, decided to become the couch potatoes. Office to functions, to press meets to conferences and still if there was a gap left in their flight to nemesis, then social media always came in handy. That public domain demands maximum expertise was forgotten once and for all.
The generalist expert has been ruling the country, in mostly every area. The one’s who could deliver, who were in full control in doing what they did. Some areas they gained expertise by the nature of their jobs like the police or diplomacy or tax administration. There were many others where experts were readily available, who did not have any political colour, had a proven tract record over the years, with a demonstrated capability which could be relied upon. You had stalwarts of the likes of Mahalanobis to MS Swaminathan to Kurien to name a few.
There have been endless experts who have been behind the scene officially guiding our decision makers to do what was best suited for the citizens and the country. Some of them have been institution builders, institutions which are creating practitioners with some acumen of the founders. We live in their benevolence and glory. Radically different from that convention, tradition and practice what we find now is an upsurge of novices, ignorant, non-practitioners, couch potatoes, and top it all not ready to take responsibility on their own. The nature of responsibility we are talking about are legally mandated responsibilities.
That you able to ride roughshod with even getting bruised, while working in the manner they do, is a sad commentary to the depths our public domain has fallen to. Professional is a person who can deliver his responsibility without any push, cajoling, supervision, monitoring, threat of penal action or penal action itself. He also declares its successful completion. How many such professionals and practice experts we have now? When the topmost government lawyers of the country cannot defend the government, based on the inputs provided by it, regarding the handling of an unprecedent law and order situation in the Supreme Court, then what is left of experts, expertise and long vanished real delivery man. Is anybody committed to any delivery today?
Sanjay Sahay
Have a nice evening.