DailyPost 2363
The known, the unknown and not to made known under any circumstances, is the tryst of public domain in the country. What is known to the ruling class, if ten percent were made known in the public domain, or whosoever needs to know, mostly legally, then most of public domain battles would come to an end. The ‘sleazy known’ is only known to the people who are a party to it, are confidants or are facilitators in the game. The battle for those who are ‘the known’ is to keep it all close to their chest till the doom’s day.
Leaving aside the real sleazy one of a variety of types, of which all of us are aware of, large part of the known is an open secret. The dealings of the public offices, the wheeling dealing of politicians, bureaucrats and others, and many a public nuances and sufferings have been completely digested. Its known and nobody does anything about it. It has become the new normal. Nothing of it is ever reported and by some chance or perforce something ‘gets reported,’ there is a hue and cry demanding for evidence. It is like asking evidence for the prevalent practice of urinating in public places in large parts of this country.
In the large population of this country, most of them fall in the category of unknown, inclusive of even the basic governance of the country. Basic governance itself is very complex. He gets to know what others want him to know. He might superficially see everything, develop a feeling that he knows everything but in reality, he is fed on calibrated information. The unknown, remains unknown for a specific purpose. Amongst the unknown today are large tranches of data /information, which can worked up for the world at large to know. One simple machine learning operation can throw up the company directors knotty relationships which keeps coming up in every case.
Not to make it known is the singular focus of powers that be, when by some fluke, of things which are not in their control; a blot from the blue, hits the public domain. To stall anything happening on the lead provided seems to the singular focus. All efforts are made for the investigation not to happen in a timely and comprehensive manner, that is if it reaches the investigation stage. It all the rest vs enquiry / investigation authority. No witness will come forth. All who vouch in the name of constitution, will not be found anywhere providing information or being a witness. No one accepts guilt either. Even normal sorry is something unheard of in the public domain. That I have committed a mistake and I will set it right, will never be heard in this country. We have transformed this country into Black Box, everything gets stalled one way or the other.
Sanjay Sahay